Open journal of Political Science

It is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancements in political science. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of political science.

South-East European Journal of Political Science (SEEJPS)

It is a peer-reviewed journal, with four thematic issues per year, dedicated to South-East Europe – to the socio-historical and political peculiarities and commonalities this area has in relation to the West and in relation to other surrounding cultural and political spaces, as well.

Ethics & Global Politics

It is an Open Access, peer reviewed scholarly journal fostering theoretical contributions to the study of global politics, including the presentation of novel ways of understanding and conceptualizing the global political challenges the world faces today.

Journal of Science Communication

JCOM is an open access journal on science communication. It provides some theoretical guidelines both for scholars and practitioners in the field of public communication of science and technology.

Journal of political science and public affairs

It covers the fields on political philosophy, comparative politics, international relations, anarchist capitalist, democracy, federacy, mixed economy, parliamentary and dictatorship.

The open political science journal

It is an Open Access online journal which publishes original research articles, reviews, short articles and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of political science.

The International Journal of Public Information Systems

It provides link to researchers and other professionals who share an interest in the process, nature, significance and implications of public information systems design.

Theoretical and empirical researches in urban management

The journal aims to provide theoretically and empirically informed analysis on social, economical and technical issues related with urban development and management.

Studies of Changing Societies (SCS Journal)

It is the interdisciplinary collection of scholarly articles in various fields of social sciences including area that cut across different sub-fields.

British Journal of Political Science

It is aiming to cover developments across the countries from all fields of political science.

Journal of Political Studies

It is published by the dept. of political science, Punjab University.

Journal of world-systems research

It is a free and open access, academic journal since 1994.